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Top 10 Books for IAS Preparation

Gone are the days when one needs to seat with bundles of books to prepare for UPSC Civil Services and Other State Civil Services Examination. The pattern has changed. The questions have become analytic. Conceptual clarity is required to write answers. Mugging up may not suffice your needs.

Relevance is the key. You need to develop a habit of weeding out unnecessary stuffs. We all are being bombarded with information these days. That is why the contemporary time is called information age. You need to be alert and develop a habit of identifying relevant stuffs.

Following are some books which you must read for UPSC Civil Services Examination or PSCs. There is absolutely no option of some books. For example, Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth is one book which you can avoid at your own peril.

All these books are available on Amazon India website with Cash on Delivery option. You can avail up to 60% discount by ordering on Amazon:

Indian Polity:

You don’t need to read any Subhash Kashyap, D. D. Basu or P M Bakshi (all these three books are also great, but Laxmikanth is better for UPSC CSE). Needless to say, you need to be alert with the current development, as Indian Polity has increasingly become current oriented module.

Indian History:

If you ask anyone about Indian Modern History, the suggestion will invariably be for Bipan Chandra. There is absolutely no doubt that two books of Bipan Chandra remain relevant and useful. But, you may not need to go through so many pages. I would suggest you to read only Spectrum Modern Indian History by Rajiv Ahir. Dr. Roman Saini (UPSC Rank 17 and Unacademy Co – Founder) also suggests to read ONLY this book for Indian History.

Indian Geography:

Majid Hussain's is another wonderful book from the house of McGraw Hill. If you find Geography hard to understand, go through this lucidly written book. Majid Hussain is veteran teacher of Geography for UPSC, and he has devoted all his experience to write such a wonderful book in a concise form. Apart from this, you should also have one Atlas. I would suggest you to get Oxford School Atlas.

Similarly, you must read Certificate Physical and Human Geography. This book remains relevant for UPSC Civil Services Examination for years and recommended by almost all toppers.

Indian Economy

Economic Survey (Latest)

The importance of Indian Economy is increasingly. We are living in a capitalist society and a bureaucrat is expected to have deep understanding of economics. Sanjiv Sir is no more and hence his wonderful book on Indian Economy is not getting update (which is must for UPSC). You need to settle for the second best book that is also from McGraw Hill Publication by Ramesh Singh.
Don’t read those bulky Dutt and Sundaram (good book, by the way), and others. Please ensure that you are updated with all current global development of economy.

Manual for CSAT

Apart from above mentioned books, you need to get McGraw Hill CSAT Manual (Paper II). This is a great compilation where authors have tried their best to put only relevant information for aspirants.

Science and Technology

People suggest Ashok Singh book for this section. However, I would suggest you to NOT read any special book for Science and Technology. Just ensure that you are aware of all current development in this field. Questions are asked from current development. Special related issues of Yojana and Kurukshetra will help you.

Apart from these, get hold of India Year Book and Budget speech of the finance minister (Economic Times of 1st March).


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